Homemade Mayonnaise with Avocado Oil

Homemade Mayonnaise with Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is high in vitamin E and unsaturated fats. It contains more protein than any other fruit and more potassium than a banana. The oil of the avocado offers many nutritional and medicinal benefits, some of which have been confirmed through scientific studies.

One is it can lower blood pressure. In the April 2005 “Journal of Ethnopharmacology”, published a study on laboratory animals, that were fed a diet rich in avocado oil, and the results showed altered levels of essential fatty acids in the kidneys, which resulted in changes in the way the kidneys respond to hormones that regulate blood pressure. The oil also also influenced fatty acid composition in the heart. The researchers concluded from this animal study that a diet that includes generous amounts of avocado oil may improve blood pressure.

Another 2005 study publish in the March issue of the “Journal of Nutrition” stated that avocado oil boosts absorption of carotenoids in your food. Fat-soluble carotenoids rely on dietary fats, but most foods that are high in carotenoids are low in fat.

The avocado including the oil, contains high quantities of unsaturated fatty acids as well as generous amounts of carotenoids. In the March 2005 study, it reported that both high and low doses of avocado oil enhanced alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lutein absorption from a salad by as much as 15 times compared to a salad without avocado oil.

Sorry you canola oil lovers, but that does non of the above information mentioned. Canola oil is high in omega-6, which to much of this fatty acid can cause inflammation, in the brain, digestive system, and hardening of plaque in the blood vessels, and arteries, just to mention a few negative side effects.

Why not enjoy the benefits of avocado oil in any recipe that calls for oil, such as a salad dressing. Mayonnaise is used a lot in the American diet, as a condiment, or a spread on bread for a sandwich. Most mayo sold in the local markets are made with soybean or canola oil. Please don’t be fooled by brands that say Mayo made with olive oil. If you read the label, the first oil on the ingredients list is soybean or canola oil other ingredients and the olive oil low on the list. It is still an inflammation causing mayonnaise.

Here is our featured recipe for “Homemade Mayonnaise with Avocado Oil” and what you will need:

Ingredients for Homemade Mayonnaise with Avocado Oil

1 egg, room temperature

2 tablespoons lemon juice, room temperature

1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt (or sea salt)

1/4 cup plus 1 cup avocado oil (Not extra virgin)

Place the egg and lemon juice in a blender or food processor bowl.

Add the dry mustard, salt and 1/4 cup of the oil. Blend until well mixed – about 20 to 30 seconds.

Incorporate the remaining 1 cup oil into the mixture, while the processor is on, pour very slowly, with a thin drizzle, about three minutes.

Continue to process until the liquid starts to emulsify, and takes the form of mayonnaise. Makes about 1 1/2 cups.

Store in refrigerator, use within 1 week. This mayo has no preservatives, as do store bought, and will spoil sooner.

What Others are saying About Avocados:

20 thoughts on “Homemade Mayonnaise with Avocado Oil

  1. I have never seen advocado oil nor heard of it except on you posts. I will have to look for it in larger cities. I have eaten home made Aiola. I have tried to make it before but was unsuccessful. I will have to try again.

    1. I have only been getting the avocado oil now for the pst year. Our local Whole Foods Market just started stocking it.

      I notice a big difference in my digestion with the avocado oil over canola oil or any other seed/vegetable oil.

      Hope your doing better Honey! 🙂

      Thanks for your comment and for stopping by.


  2. Randy, this looks great. I cannot have mayo and most oils so I’m going to experiment a little later today on something to use in place of mayo. Cottage cheese and lemon juice will be the ingredients. 😉

    1. Hey thanks Jackie!! You can also try cream cheese in place of mayo. I have done that before. There is also Greek yogurt.

      Thanks for your thoughts Jackie and for stooping by. 🙂


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